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  • The Alpenglow Phenomenon
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    Harvest Gold Gallery
The Alpenglow Phenomenon

We are lucky enough to get to experience an amazing view at Harvest Gold. If you follow our Instagram, you'll see that Lynda often posts photos of the sunrise and sunset. Every now and then, Lynda captures a shot of the mountains bathed in a vibrant, pink light.

This is known as the Alpenglow Phenomenon. Alpenglow (from the German word "Alpenglühen", meaning "mountain glow") refers to sunlight reflected off clouds just before sunrise and after sunset. 

Just up the street is a farm named Alpenglow Farm, overlooking the mountains. We have a painting by Thomas Merriam depicting the farm, with the mountains in the background. Just like us, they must often see this beautiful natural phenomenon. Pictured below is "Jackie's Farm, Alpine Glow" by Thomas Merriam.

Another work in the gallery that depicts alpenglow is "Snow Walk on Kezar Lake" by Rebecca Klementovich.

Follow us on Instagram to see our view in all of its varying states of beauty, all year round!

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    Harvest Gold Gallery

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