Hello Everyone,
Long time no see! Ashanah here and I’m back for another amazing summer here on Kezar lake. In the past year I have spent a lot of time focusing on my healing: both physically and mentally. Since last summer I have been dealing with a series of ACL Knee troubles. Which means that for once in my life I get to sit down and read for a bit: in particular I’ve gotten to do a some reading on chakras and crystal healing. Which is why I was uber excited to see some New Hampshire gemstones in the gallery.
Even as a child I found myself drawn to Amethyst. The stone is always a beautiful shade of purple and has a high energy pull to it. It has been called the “all-healer” by those who believe in crystal healing (which I am). This variety of Quartz is supposed to be able to still the mind enhancing a meditative state and create a field of protection from negativity. Amethyst wards of psychic attack and ill-wishing and brings back in return energy that has been transformed into something positive and loving. Here are 3 unique reasons I believe you need to go on the Harvest Gold’s website and order yourself an amethyst ring today:

- The stone is associated with the Temperance card in the tarot which is a call for balance. It is a sign that one might be over overindulging in something and need to seek the aid which amethyst brings. Which might be why Amethyst has been used in many ancient religion to bring sobriety to its leaders. Such as Catholic Bishops wearing Amethyst rings to warn of mystical intoxication. The name Amethyst itself is from the Greek world “amethystos” which means “Not drunken. Maybe I should try wearing a new Amethyst ring to kick my bad diet soda habit. Comment what bad habit you want your harvest gold amethyst ring to aid you quit bellow!
2) Amethyst is stone that represents love and a meaning relationship between partners. It is the romantic symbol for the 6th and 17th wedding anniversary. The crystal is believed to worn by Saint Valentine in a ring engraved with the image of cupid. Wear this crystal as an eternity ring or engagement ring to call back lost love or build a deeper soulful connection. Our rings here at Harvest gold might not be engraved cupid but they have a timeless elegance to them that you or your partner could wear for years.

3) Again Amethyst is linked with balance being associated with the higher chakras: the Brow Chakra (the third eye) and the Crown Chakra. If you follow the chakra rainbow from the red root chakra up to the crown you would see it finally ends in a deep violet color at the crown. Since Amethyst can come in variety of shades starting in a light purple and ending in a deep violet it is not shocking that the stone falls as a transition healing stone between the two highest chakras. When these chakras are aligned the mind is able to strengthen imagination and intuition and refine it’s thought process. Imagine sliding on Amethyst ring and going outside the gallery to paint a new landscape of the view. Mind and body balanced with nothing stepping between you and your art.
So there you have it: three unique reason you need to come over to the gallery and try on one of our amazing amethyst rings or maybe even a bracelet . Can’t make it to the gallery find your ring on our website or give us a call. We would love to make you something custom.
Till next time- Ashanah.
Bibliography because we all can’t know everything:
“Amethyst Meanings and Uses.” Crystal Vaults,
“Amethyst Quartz: The Purple Gemstone Amethyst Information and Pictures.” Minerals.net
“February Birthstone – The Amethyst of St. Valentine.” Selected Insider, Selected Insider, 15 Feb.
“February Birthstone Is the Amethyst.” EarthSky, EARTH | HUMAN WORLD , 1 Feb. 2017
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