Original publish date: May 2nd, 2011

Many people remember those they have lost by the tree symbol. I put extra love into the pieces in remembrance of others.
While working on Tree of Life jewelry, there is time to reflect on the many natures of trees.
There are so many ways trees are part of lives. They touch us every day.
Carley took this one, at sunrise, of Lake Tahoe during her photo class there. She was happy to be where Morgan lives for a bit.
Sunrise on Easter Sunday at Amelia Island in Florida visiting my parents.
The back yard with the tree my grand mother gave Bill and I on our 10th wedding anniversary 20 years ago!!

Winter time sunny morning good for working on trees. These are all ready to become jewelry!
So amazing to think of all the trees I've "chopped" from the gold and sterling sheet. Transforming the gold into a "forest" of Tree of Life jewelry.

Many people remember those they have lost by the tree symbol. I put extra love into the pieces in remembrance of others.
This beautiful poem by Bill helps put in words the feelings that trees inspire.
We are grateful every winter for the gift of warmth from the trees.
In conclusion.... just gotta love those trees!
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