Original publish date: Feb. 4th, 2010
As we've mentioned on past posts and in our blog's mission, we want to share the stories behind the jewelry we design and make. So it was only fitting to share our own story! Recently on ETSY, there have been features of couples working and running their etsy store together and so we started to look back at our own story that began YEARS before etsy and has continued to grow and flourish over the past 25+ years! Above is a picture of L & B back in the day, hard at work in the studio making jewelry.

Our braided band was one of our first designs and became our wedding bands. It's a funny story behind our rings! We had the gold from L's grandmother's teeth and we repurposed it by melting and changing the alloy to the three different golds that constitute the braid! It's definitely an untraditional source of gold, one that speaks back to olden time, but when your young and just starting out- recycling gold can be a great option. We have had many customers stop by with old gold, or a grown out wedding band, etc and we have worked with them to make a brand new piece that fits their style and needs!

And a more recent photo- of L&B with Mount Washington!
We love being jewelers and wouldn't change a thing! We work well together, starting our day early and always take a break for one of B's fantastic lunches. Then it's back to the studio to fulfill retail and etsy orders! And if the sun is shining and the weather is right, we'll close up shop for a gaunt of skiing or come summer- for a dip in the lake. We have many more stories to share with you about past and present designs, so stay tuned!
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