Ashanah Here:
Hope everybody is having just as much fun as Ari and I as we shot some wonderful videos for our followers. Lots of laughter as we stumbled through some bloopers. I can’t express how magical the gallery can be while we are working some days; always full of laughter. If you are ever driving by feel free to come say hello and join in. Every time I work I still always find a new favorite piece of art. Today I caught myself staring at Thomas Merriam’s Cardinal paintings remembering a loved one that past away last spring. Growing up my grandmother was my best friend, and I spent almost every weekend at her house. I have vivid memories of her sitting at her kitchen table watching the bird feeder while reading a book. She spent most of her time chasing off squirrels, but still she would sit there waiting for the cardinal that would sometimes visit.

Merriam's watercolors capture the spunky attitude of the bird that my grandmother adored. To see more of Merriam's wildlife painting visit our website or stop in and see it in person.
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