Sandra Josephine Bell

Sandra is a representational painter whose studio is in Center Lovell, Maine. Working in oils primarily, she is inspired by whatever holds her attention. Her works include a broad spectrum of North Country subjects….often little known or off the beaten track.

She begins with her own photography and creates paintings of regional landscapes, coastal subjects, interiors and beautiful lake scenes in a variety of painting styles with a feeling of spontaneity.

She also arranges unique tableaux that when painted become a whimsical or allegorical still life.

She was drawn to western Maine from Wellesley, Massachusetts in the mid 1990’s. Originally from suburban Cleveland, Ohio, she unfolded her canvas seated stool at the Cleveland Museum of Art Saturday classes for children at age 5. Copying Renoir being a daunting task she turned her attention to the sarcophagus and the Armor Court. She approached life with the same curiosity and has been all over the place ever since.

Sandra attended college and then art school for a period of time, all the while paying close attention to 20th century America. She involved herself in historic preservation (architectural), collected and traded in antiques (dump picking too), restored old houses, provided interior design and decorating services, hiked in the mountains, sold suburban residential and country real estate, designed gardens and watched them grow, ran a private non-transitional facility for young adult patients, all the while forming a world view.