Randy Rowe

Randy Rowe is lifelong musician, and the creator of the beautiful strumsticks. His goal is to make learning to play an instrument more accessible for people who are confused or struggle with traditional sheet reading, or who don't want to play simply off of paper, or those who just enjoy making up their own songs. He made an instrument that produces no "wrong" notes (given that it's tuned correctly).

As of now Harvest Gold Gallery carries three variations of strumsticks: the traditional three string, the three string bluegrass, and the four string strumstick. The traditional is great for new players or people with little to no experience. The other two are for more advanced players. The bluegrass has an additional fret between the second and third fret- if the player is experienced with the strumstick and blues, the sound will be similar to a banjo. The four string version is great for cross picking and gives a larger sound variety.