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  • Zen Puzzle Foolishness
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    Harvest Gold Gallery
  • 2018About Us
Zen Puzzle Foolishness

In the process of writing the spotlight on Zen Puzzles, two shifts of employees did the same silly thing. We thought it would be so cool to share a time lapse video of us putting together one of these magnificent puzzles!

On Saturday Ari and Ashannah pulled one out and begin to work! It was tough though, seemingly overly so. And so, they bundled that puzzle away and pulled out a different one, hoping the new image would refresh their minds and they could build it with ease. Twas not the case! After a while, Bill and Captain came over and began to help too. At one point, the kindly UPS man also took a moment to place a piece or two. After many hours, they did get the movie they were hoping for!

On Sunday, however, after being regaled with the story of how hard the other two found the puzzles, Lilly and Adriana had a go at the same puzzle thinking with hubris that they could built it in half the time. Twas not the case! Imagine Lynda's surprise when several hours later she came home to the shop only to find her shop girls puzzling again! After a good scolding, Lynda sat down and was able to finish the puzzle in record time. 

The moral of the story here is that these Zen Puzzles are wicked fun, and are surprisingly and delightfully difficult! Try one for yourself here at Harvest Gold. 


Watch Ashannah, Bill, and Captain put one together!  


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    Harvest Gold Gallery
  • 2018About Us

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