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  • Summer Setup is in Full Swing
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    Harvest Gold Gallery
  • 2017About UsThea Hart
Summer Setup is in Full Swing

We have been busy rearranging the Gallery for the past few days! From fitting in new paintings, to completely rearranging the furniture and style of the back rooms, setting up the whole gallery for the summer season is like a giant game of tetris!

What goes into our setup? Well, you have to think about many different attributes of the work that you are showing. First off is physical size. Can we actually fit all the beautiful paintings, sculptures, glass work, and furniture into our rooms? With a little finagling, we usually can. Second is color and style. We try to make the art all look pleasant to the eye, so that you can consume and appreciate a whole wall of art at once, while still being able to move up close and enjoy individual pieces. We want the eye to glide from one room to the next, perhaps by following a wash of a similar color through several paintings, or by following a similar subject matter. And thirdly is flow and vibe throughout the gallery as a whole. We want all of the artwork to look its best, so we have to try hanging it usually in several different places to see where it can truly shine. Does the subject matter of the painting suit the wall it is hung on? Is it getting enough light? Does the piece suit the amount of traffic that will go through that area? We take all of these things into account when we are trying to hang such a large show.

Our wonderful Thea (who also exhibits several paintings here!) is the mastermind behind our summer setup. She has a brilliant eye for color and flow, and this job would be ten times harder without her keen eye.

Even though summer setup is a long and sometimes arduous process, it is all good fun that everyone in the gallery takes part in and lends an opinion towards. Even Captain joins in! If a happy blind dog with a wagging tail can navigate through our halls, then we know we have done a good job. 


  • Author avatar
    Harvest Gold Gallery
  • 2017About UsThea Hart

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